When you move a lot as a military wife, you end up having a lot of different hairdressers. Add on to that, when you have thin baby-fine hair, with just enough wave to be a problem, not an asset, it’s hard to find someone who can cut it so it looks nice when they are done and when you do it yourself. It’s been a long time coming for me to find my gal, Kera. I come home now happy with my cut which is even on both sides, and I style it with little fuss using just a blow dryer and big brush. I’m not a fusser. The sooner I am out of the bathroom, the better.

You might ask who doesn’t cut hair even on both sides? I went to a guy for a time who I loved to see because we laughed, gossiped about mutual friends, and shared our cat pictures, but he thought of himself as an artist and every time I came home I had to trim one side or another so my cut looked symmetrical. I went to a lady for a while that even though we talked about the fact I looked better with longer hair, she “just kept cutting” until we were done talking. Enough of those stories. I’m sure you have your own.

I’ve never been a part of one, but I’ve heard wonderful stories about the bride and her attendants going to get their hair and make-up done for the big day. They always look wonderful and elegant. I have to admit, I wonder how much hair spray was used. I don’t often use hair spray. I think it would take a whole can to get my fine hair to stay in one of the up-dos. Who knows? Not about to find out.

I’m old enough I should have lots of grey hair, but I only have a touch at my temples. My hair is as long as it has ever been and my husband likes it, my daughter, not so much. To feel a part of the “I got my hair colored today” crowd, I’m going to get some blond highlights next time I visit Kera; not purple, blue or pink! Call it a mid-life crises. Since I’m going to have to be at the salon for an extended period I think I’ll buy one of those cozy mysteries to take with me. It will be a relaxing afternoon. They serve wine at the salon Kera works at. I might have a glass or two of that too. I’ll update my photo after I’m done. It’ll give you something to look forward to.

If you have a good hairstylist, today is the day to show a little extra appreciation. It’ll make both of your days.