
Sue Spitulnik

Writing, Sewing, Travel, and Thoughts



Thank a Teacher

Do you have a teacher that made a big impact on your life? Is there one teacher you remember over all the others because he/she could help you understand anything?  In my experience most teachers do their job because they love it, not because they are getting paid well to do it, except maybe private tutors. Continue reading “Thank a Teacher”

When you move a lot as a military wife, you end up having a lot of different hairdressers. Add on to that, when you have thin baby-fine hair, with just enough wave to be a problem, not an asset, it’s hard to find someone who can cut it so it looks nice when they are done and when you do it yourself. It’s been a long time coming for me to find my gal, Kera. I come home now happy with my cut which is even on both sides, and I style it with little fuss using just a blow dryer and big brush. I’m not a fusser. The sooner I am out of the bathroom, the better. Continue reading

Appreciation Goes a Long Way

This is a day to show appreciation to boyfriends everywhere for the good things they do. The National Day of Calendar pointed out there are special days for just about every category of people: mothers, fathers, grandparents, siblings and cousins, so why not boyfriends. Continue reading “Appreciation Goes a Long Way”

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