The new writing group member was fearful. “I think AI is going to ruin the writing industry. All you have to do is tell the program your characters, location, and plot, and the thing writes the story for you.”

The response from a tech person. “That’s a half-truth. What it actually does is take “tokens” of information from what already exists and creates a piece. Thus, it could be plagiarizing, and it only understands facts; it can’t add voice or emotion.”

“Well, I’m never going to use it.”

“Do you use Grammerly?”


“Hate to tell you. That’s AI.”

Written in response to Charli Mills February 27, 2024, prompt at Carrot Ranch Literary: In 99 words (no more, no less), write a story about artificial intelligence. Use any genre. What is unfolding or has the situation existed for a while? Who shows up, AI or a figure of imagination? Go where the prompt leads!